Special Session on:
Applying High-Performance Computing for Scientific Discovery within Real-World Problems


Glenn Hammond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Haibing Shao, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research – UFZ


Advances in high performance computing have enabled the development of massively-parallel simulation frameworks that employ thousands of processors simultaneously. Although the development of these frameworks imposes challenges such as data structures and numerical algorithms that need to be adapted to maximize scalability and fully utilize the greater computing capacity, their deployment enables the potential for accelerating scientific discovery, such as 1) coupling increasing numbers of physical and biogeochemical processes with high-fidelity discretizations; and 2) executing large ensembles of realizations to address uncertainty of stochastic parameters within natural and engineered systems. This session seeks presentations that demonstrate the utility of high performance computing to engender new scientific discovery on real-world problems. These include, but are not limited to:

• System-scale modeling of field and laboratory experiments
• Performance assessment for engineered systems
• Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification with stochastic methods

Demonstration of advanced numerical methods is encouraged, but should be presented within the context of the new scientific discovery enabled by the method.

Paper and Abstracts:

MPiTOUGH2-EMGeo – A massively parallel data inversion framework for joint hydrogeophysical real-world applications
Michael Commer, Michael Kowalsky, Stefan Finsterle, Gergory Newman

Simulation of Technetium-99 migration at the Hanford BC Cribs Site Using HPC
Vicky Freedman

The role of HPC on subsurface simulation of U(VI) transport at the Hanford 300 Area
Glenn Hammond

PFLOTRAN: next-generation petascale subsurface reactive flow and transport code
Glenn Hammond, Peter Lichtner, Gautam Bisht, Xingyuan Chen, Satish Karra

Modeling Enhanced Geothermal Systems using the Massively Parallel Sub-surface Reactive Flow and Transport Simulator PFLOTRAN
Satish Karra, Peter Lichtner

Contaminant plume modeling at Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge site using High Performance Computing
Jitendra Kumar, Peter Lichtner, Richard Mills, Glenn Hammond

Comparison of Parallel Solvers for Large-Scale Groundwater Contaminant Transport Simulations
G. (Kumar) Mahinthakumar, Vamsi Sripathi, Sarat Sreepathi

Metal Release and Transport in Potential Drinking Water Aquifers Impacted by Stored CO2
Alexis Navarre-Sitchler, Reed Maxwell, Glenn Hammond, Peter Lichtner

High-performance computing techniques applied to the characterization and optimization of a thermochemical heat storage system for concentrated thermal solar power
Haibing Shao, Ashok Kumar Singh, Norihiro Watanabe, Antje Wörner, Olaf Koldtiz

An Asynchronous Solver for Differential Equations Arising from River Basin Models
Scott Small, Laurent Jay, Ricardo Mantilla, Witold Krajewski, Rodica Curtu

Agni: Coupling Model Analysis Tools and High-Performance Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulators for Risk and Performance Assessments
Velimir Vesselinov, George Pau, David Moulton, Dylan Harp

Real-world Hydrologic Assessment of a Fully-Distributed Hydrological Model in a Parallel Computing Environment
Enrique Vivoni, Giuseppe MAscaro, Everett Springer, Valeriy Ivanov, Rafael Bras